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Compliant Fall Prevention Protects Companies and Employees

How and where to implement fall prevention

Every job site has its share of potential challenges that could impact safety. It’s up to the project managers to implement effective fall protection that meets those challenges. Employees trust their employer to provide a safe working environment — and that’s where appropriate fall protection equipment does the job.

Believe it or not, falls are still one of the most likely accidents for workers, despite all the knowledge out there around prevention and protection. If lack of knowledge isn’t the reason for this increasing number of falls, could it be that companies are cutting back in the wrong areas in hopes to remain competitive? It’s a dark assumption — but possible. Even if that is the case, it’s evident that compliance is now a prime consideration for any company operating in the developed world. Litigation costs are enormous when accidents happen, and savvy operators understand that they need to make safety their highest priority.

OSHA offers concise guidelines about what companies must do for fall prevention.

  • Companies must cover all holes on the floor if it’s possible an employee will fall into one.
  • In areas where open-sided platforms are elevated, including floors and runways, there must be toeboards and guardrails.
  • Companies have to install guardrails and toeboards anywhere a worker could fall on or into while running equipment and machines.
  • Depending on the type of job, OSHA may want full lines of fall protection that include safety nets, railings on stairs, handrails and a safety line and harness.

Safeguard Against Falling, Tripping and Slipping

Companies dealing with elevated workspaces have the responsibility to safeguard that area against falls. Meeting OSHA standards isn’t difficult for any operator that commits to compliance. A wide range of products for fall protection is available, including complete systems for every major industry.

By selecting a combination of standard and custom components, project managers can ensure complete fall protection for their employees. With an active training program in place, the number of incidents involving tripping, falling or slipping decreases. What’s perhaps even more important is that injury severity in the event of an accident is also mitigated. It’s smart business to ensure the right training, equipment and processes are all in place from the start.

Modular Components Are Flexible

ErectaStep is a leading vendor of fall protection systems. Their key benefit is that the design is modular, which allows customers to assemble and disassemble the system as needed — and on their own. Customers order the systems they need for their industry and application, so as to ensure compliance while at the same time improving on-site safety.

Having a trusted vendor who provides high-quality equipment makes life easier for managers everywhere. Falls can be hazardous, and they result from inadequate planning and procedures. With enough measures in place to protect against this regular mishap however, losses and injuries just don’t happen.

A few common solutions include:

  • Regular Access: Work platforms are perfect for any area that needs regular access. These self-contained units have guardrails and non-slip stairs so that workers can traverse these steps safely, with hardly a risk of a fall or slip.
  • Ladder Replacement: Old, rickety, free-standing ladders are obsolete and dangerous. These stair and work platforms offer a safe alternative. New style replacement steps are built specifically to withstand the rigors of life in an industrial setting.
  • Assembly Line Protection: The modular stair and work platforms allow easy access for people working around active lines. Getting over to the other side never has to be a problem again.

Custom Workspaces Provide Working Design

If you need a custom solution for your workspace, it’s also just a phone call away. All you’ll need are the space requirements you’re working with, and the challenges you want to solve.

Many operations end up choosing a hybrid configuration for their application that combines standard fall protection equipment with newer implementations.

A custom dolly works to alleviate traditional issues by providing a flexible, movable workspace. Employees will never again have to deal with being backed into a tight space or corner. Move your dolly where it does the best job.

ErectaStep is a unique vendor in the fall prevention industry. The company has a series of innovative modular components that have advantageous features and benefits. For businesses that consider fall prevention to be a top priority, custom systems provide a range of solutions.

Consider your OSHA requirements and implement a plan that ensures you exceed those standards. Doing this means you avoid any penalties while protecting your incredibly valuable human resources. The threat of injury negatively impacts even the best workers. It’s a strong sign that their intrinsic value to employers doesn’t exist. On the other hand, complete fall prevention sends the opposite message, encouraging employees their livelihoods and roles matter greatly.